Saturday, 31 May 2014

Welcome & thanks for dropping by

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim dulu pembuka bicara. Setelah bertahun walau berdekad asyik terfikir nak buat blog,finally made one. Ok.Pada 9:57 pagi 31 May 2014 ini saya mencatat sejarah sendiri ,berjaya membuat blog sendiri setelah beribu alasan diketepikan especially malas. Come on, im sure you guys pun mesti terfikir, how can i update my blog, when im too lazy to even walk out of bed. Well, in my case right now, im totally determined (please last longer than a second) to update my blog eveyday. Well that is my initial plan, but we'll just see how far i can keep to that "determination" of mine. 

Why do I even wanna update my blog everyday??Do you know how some girls and even boys have their own diary just so they could release some of the sadness, hatred or stresses in their life. I did made an attempt to write a diary. But that was years ago and i only managed to write like 4 pages. Yeah. It was a good attempt. Put laziness aside, I have really bad handwritting that people called "cakar ayam". 

 Well i hope you guys will follow me. Why? Just because my life is different than yours.Lol. I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog and Thanks in advance.

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